Eden’s paper on synthetic MAP-IDR condensates is out in JBC’s special issue on Cell and Developmental Biology! | July 2024

Congratulations to superstar Eden on his exciting study synthetically bridging condensates and microtubule architecture together appearing in JBC as part of their special issue on Cell and Developmental Biology! Incredibly proud of what he accomplished with this work!

Sophia wins undergraduate research fellowships! | May 2024

Congratulations to our undergraduate researcher Sophia Winterhalter for being selected for both a Biochemistry Undergraduate Summer Research award and Sophomore Research Fellowship award!

Our lab's first paper is out in Cell! | Jan 2024

Our work on developing programmable reaction diffusion systems for cell signaling circuit design is now published online in Cell! Check out our tweet-splainer for more details on how the work has evolved since the pre-print last year. And a huge congratulations to the amazing team: I’m so proud of project lead Rohith, Eden, Tommy, and Elliott!

John Ahn defends his thesis! | November 2023

Congratulations to John on successfully defending his thesis, and good luck starting your new job as a consultant for The Gunter Group—we’re so proud of you!! Check out his new preprint on quantifying shape fluctuations here and read about his thesis here


Scott Coyle receives NIH New Innovator Award | October 2023

The NIH Office of the Director's New Innovator Award will support our continued efforts to develop and apply cellular radio circuits. Read more: Breaking through the noise of cellular signaling (wisc.edu)

Dennis Bolshakov selected for BTP fellowship | May 2023

Congratulations to Dennis!! Stay tuned for photos from his celebratory blindfolded simul chess match against the entire lab…

Casey Wong wins NSERC fellowship | May 2023

Congratulations to Casey — Tim Horton’s sponsored celebration coming soon!

Eden and Rohith win Dr. James Chieh-Hsia Mao and Paul H. Phillips Graduate Graduate Fellowships | April 2023

Congratulations to Eden and Rohith!

Tommy Galateo win Honorable Mention in ASBMB 2023 Undergraduate Poster Competition | April 2023

Congratulations to Tommy!

Stay tuned for Tommy and Rohith’s new story on the evolutionary diversification of protein patterning circuits…

Eden’s preprint is out! | February 2023

Led by Chih-Chia “Eden” Chang:
“A synthetic biology approach defines mechanistic and regulatory roles for phase condensation in the assembly of microtubule architectures by human TPPP”

New insights into general-purpose mechanisms by which phase-condensates contribute to microtubule organization.

Rohith, Eden, Elliott, and Tommy’s preprint is out! | November 2022

Led by Rohith Rajasekaran: “A programmable reaction-diffusion system for spatiotemporal cell signaling circuit design”

We present a visually stunning toolkit for building cellular radios that probe or control cell biology.

IPiB Graduate Student Named Recipient of First CALS B.R. DasGupta Graduate Award | October 2022

Nithesh Chandrasekharan has been named one of the first recipients of the B.R. DasGupta Graduate Award. The award provides $5,000 to an international graduate student enrolled in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences in bacteriology, biochemistry, food science, or microbiology.

2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Recipients and Honorable Mentions Announced | April 2022

Several Integrated Program in Biochemistry graduate students received National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program honorable mentions this year. Lauren Mazurkiewicz is a second-year IPiB student in the Weeks Lab, Rohith Rajasekaran is a second-year IPiB student in the Coyle Lab, and Gina Wade is a second-year IPiB student in the Simcox Lab.

UW biochemist Scott Coyle awarded 2020 Packard Fellowship | October 2020

Scott M. Coyle, a University of Wisconsin–Madison assistant professor of biochemistry, has been named a 2020 Packard Foundation Fellow in Science and Engineering.

Students Recognized by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program | June 2020

Three students in the Integrated Program in Biochemistry (IPiB) have been recognized by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

Christine Hustmyer, a graduate student in Professor Robert Landick’s lab, was awarded a 2020 Graduate Research Fellowship. Jacob Rapp, a graduate student in the lab of Assistant Professor Phil Romero, and John Ahn, a graduate student joining the lab of Assistant Professor Scott Coyle, received honorable mentions.